Mumbai: The BSE benchmark Sensex crashed 938 points to slip below the 47,500 mark and the NSE Nifty plunged below the psychological 14,000 level due to rampant selling across counters.
Marking its fourth straight session of loss, the Sensex tumbled 937.66 points or 1.94 per cent to settle at 47,409.93 – taking the aggregate four-session loss to 2,382.19 points or 4.78 per cent.
Intraday, the BSE gauge swung 1,117.65 points.
Likewise, the NSE Nifty plunged 271.40 points or 1.91 per cent to close the session at 13,967.50. Over the last four sessions, the 50-share index has lost 677.20 points or 4.62 per cent.
On the Sensex chart, Axis Bank, Titan, IndusInd Bank, HDFC Bank, Dr Reddy's, HDFC and Asian Paint were major losers.
Of the Sensex constituents, 24 shares closed in the red and 6 in the green.
Analysts said investors of late have preferred taking profits off the table ahead of the Union Budget and futures and options (F&O) expiry.