New Delhi:After a gap of two days, petrol prices increased again on Friday and in the country's financial capital Mumbai, it was being sold at Rs 80 per litre. The petrol prices increased by 15-16 paise per litre in the four metros of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai, while there has been no change in the price of diesel. On the other hand, the price of crude in the international market remained close to the two-month high.
According to the Indian Oil website, the price of petrol in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai has increased to Rs 74.35, Rs 77.04, Rs 80.01 and Rs 77.29 per litre respectively. The price of diesel in the four metros remained unchanged at Rs 65.84, Rs 68.25, Rs 69.06 and Rs 69.59 per litre respectively.
Petrol oil marketing companies on Friday increased petrol prices by 15 paise per litre in Chennai, 16 paise per litre in Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai. Petrol price in Mumbai was Rs 80.11 per litre on October 3, 2019.