New Delhi: The NSE on Thursday said it would launch brent crude oil contracts on March 1 and has signed a pact with global market information provider ICIS for using its Brent-Forties-Oseberg-Ekofisk data.
The bourse will launch two cash-settled futures products – 100 barrel brent crude oil futures and 10 barrels brent crude oil mini futures, the National Stock Exchange said in a media release.
The trading session for both the futures will be between 9:00 am and 11:30 pm from Monday to Friday. The initial margin on this contract would be minimum 4 per cent or based on SPAN margin system, whichever is higher.
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"India being the third-largest consumer of crude oil in the world, after the United States and China required an efficient hedging mechanism, this product will provide an opportunity to market participants for accessing the global crude oil markets and hedging their risk," NSE Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Vikram Limaye said.