Business Desk, Etv Bharat: With Indian refineries bringing down their run capacities from around 93 per cent to 75 per cent, along with the upward trend of international crude oil price have triggered the price rise in the country after a 48-day halt.
For instance, petrol price was up by 65 paisa per litre in the last six days. Same is the trend in other parts of the country.
With the reduction in run capacity, there is less supply of petrol in the market and hence the hike in petrol price.
“Refineries in India reduced their run capacities from around 93 per cent to 75 per cent due to which there is a fall in supply. This has prompted prices to rise. The refineries have reduced capacities due to falling domestic fuel demand,” said Dr. Hiranmoy Roy, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Economics and International Business, School of Business, UPES.
He further said even if excise duty does not rise, petrol price may rise due to the rise in international rates.
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