New Delhi:Former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram on Thursday criticised the Centre for its claims on reviving the economy. He said the economy was largely determined by the market, by the laws of demand and supply, and by the purchasing power and the sentiments of the people, which are missing currently.
"Unless the government puts money in the hands of the bottom half of the families and puts food on the plates of the poor, the economy will not revive smartly," he added.
The Congress leader said if the government doubted about what he said, then just listen to the voices of the voters of Bihar on their existential crisis — no work or not enough work, no income or little income, and their thoughts are on surviving, not on spending.
He also said that RBI Governor, SEBI Chairman and the DEA Secretary should tell the FM, in unison, that the vast majority of the people do not have the money or the inclination to buy goods and services.
"Is it not intriguing that the RBI Governor, the SEBI Chairman and the DEA Secretary should speak on the same day on the same subject? All three have tried to 'talk up' the economy. I wish the economy was a circus lion that would respond to the stick of the ringmaster!" Chidambaram mocked.
The former Finance Minister was criticising the statements made by the RBI Governor and the Economic Affairs Secretary.