New Delhi: Shares of Zomato on Friday zoomed nearly 53 per cent in its debut trade against its issue price of Rs 76. The stock made its debut at Rs 115, reflecting a huge gain of 51.31 per cent against the issue price on the BSE. It then hit a high of Rs 138, a jump of 81.57 per cent.
At the NSE, it got listed at Rs 116, registering a premium of 52.63 per cent. Zomato's initial public offering (IPO) last week ended with a bumper 38 times subscription.
The IPO had opened for subscription on July 14, in a price band of Rs 72-76 per share. It closed on July 16. The company, backed by Jack Ma's Ant Group Co, is the first from a long list of Indian unicorn startups to launch an IPO. It is also the first among Indian online food aggregators.