New Delhi:S&P Global Ratings Monday said following a decisive victory for the incumbent government, there will be continuity as well as policy stability and will result in improvement in foreign capital flows for corporates in India.
According to S&P Global Ratings, the victory for the ruling government led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India's national elections removes one significant source of uncertainty for corporates in India.
S&P said Indian corporates remain hostage to a number of worries surrounding a slowdown in global growth and trade wars. But now, the continuity of government -- which was widely cited as an additional source of uncertainty in the run-up to the elections -- is no longer one of them.
"The potential for reforms following the victory is likely to maintain buoyancy in local funding markets and improve the flow of foreign capital for corporates in India," it said in a statement.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led BJP has won 303 seats out of 542 in 2019 general elections.