Mumbai :The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Thursday said it would set up a task force to study the international best practices and develop a "thriving" secondary market for corporate loans.
In its statement of developmental and regulatory policies released by the RBI after its first monetary policy meet of financial year 2019-2020, the apex bank said the task force would submit its report by the end of August, 2019. The RBI statement has brought out an 11-point agenda of regulatory policies.
"Recognising the benefits of an active secondary market in loans, the Reserve Bank will set up a task force to study the relevant aspects including best international practices and propose measures for developing a thriving secondary market for corporate loans in India," the RBI statement said.
"Presently, the secondary market for corporate loans in India is dominated by transactions of banks in non-performing assets and is constrained by sparse information on pricing and recovery rates," it said.
The apex bank said that among other steps, the task force would explore measures on loan contract standards, digital loan contract registry, ease of due diligence and verification by potential loan buyers, online platform for loan sales or auctions, and an accessible archive of historical market data on bids and sale prices for loans.
In the secondary market, loans are sold to asset restructuring companies (ARC) and private equity (PE) funds, alternative investment funds (AIF) among others. The secondary market for loans can be an important mechanism for credit intermediaries to manage credit risk and liquidity risk on their balance-sheets, especially for distressed assets.