Mumbai: The Reserve Bank on Thursday sharply lowered the growth forecast for the current financial year to 5 per cent from the earlier estimate of 6.1 per cent on account of weak domestic and external demand.
India's economic growth according to government data has slipped to over six-year low of 4.5 per cent in the second quarter of the current fiscal mainly due to contraction in manufacturing sector output.
"Real GDP growth for 2019-20 is revised downwards from 6.1 per cent in the October policy to 5.0 per cent, 4.9-5.5 per cent in H2 (this fiscal) and 5.9-6.3 per cent for H1(2020-21)," RBI said in its fifth bi-monthly monetary policy review.
While improved monetary transmission and a quick resolution of global trade tensions are possible upsides to growth projections, a delay in revival of domestic demand, a further slowdown in global economic activity and geo-political tensions are downside risks, it said.