Mumbai: The Reserve Bank on Monday announced an Rs 25,000 crore liquidity injection through the purchase of government securities in May.
The purchase, called open market operations (OMOs), will be undertaken in two equal tranches with the first one on May 2, the central bank said in a statement.
The RBI said the OMOs are being carried out "based on a review of the evolving liquidity conditions and assessment of the durable liquidity needs going forward".
It can be noted that the RBI has been using OMOs through the prolonged period of weak liquidity starting FY19 itself and repurchased bonds of over Rs 2.8 lakh crore during the last fiscal year.
Lately, it has devised a new tool in rupee-dollar swaps as a way to bridge the liquidity gap. It has already done two such auctions of USD 5 billion each on March 26 and April 23.