Hyderabad: The month of June 2020 is witnessing a very rapid fall in the unemployment rate. After clocking 23.5 per cent in April and May, the unemployment rate first dropped to 17.5 per cent in the first week of June and then it took a steeper fall to 11.6 per cent in the second week. This fall is almost as dramatic as the rise in unemployment when the lockdown began.
As per the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) report the fall in the unemployment rate is doubly appealing as it is accompanied by an increase in the labour participation rate. The labour participation rate was 40.4 per cent in the week ended June 14.
The rate had fallen from 42.6 per cent in the week ended March 22, which was just before the lockdown to 39.2 per cent in the first week of the lockdown and the further to 36.1 per cent in the first week of April. It continued falling till the week of April 26 when it reached its lowest level of 35.4 per cent.
The LPR has been recovering since the last week of April. At 40.4 per cent in the week of June 14 it was not too far from its pre-lockdown level of around 42.7 per cent. What is encouraging is the smart recovery from around 36 per cent in early May.
An increase in the LPR along with a fall in the unemployment rate implies an increase in the employment rate. This, an increase in the employment rate, is the desired outcome. It, in fact, is a far more important indicator of the health of the economy than the unemployment rate.
The employment rate in India has been rather low at just below 40 per cent. This implies that less than 40 per cent of the population that is over 14 years of age is employed. According to the World Bank’s database, the global average employment rate was 57.4 per cent in 2019.
In India, the employment rate fell by a massive 10 percentage points immediately upon imposition of the lockdown. The average employment rate during the three months ending February 2020 was 39.5 per cent. This crashed to 29.9 per cent in the first week of lockdown, the week ended March 29. It kept falling to touch a low of 26.1 per cent in the week ended April 19.
The employment rate has been rising since early May 2020. But, the increase in the latest week of June 14, has been the smartest. The employment rate shot up 3.3 percentage points from 32.4 per cent in the week ended June 7 to 35.7 per cent in the week ended June 14.