New Delhi:The revenue department on Monday said the designated committee will take a decision within 60 days on the declaration made by an assessee for relief under the service tax and excise duty amnesty scheme.
Sabka Vishwas - Legacy Dispute Resolution Scheme, 2019, to reduce legacy service tax and central excise cases will become operational for four months beginning September 1.
The scheme provides for total waiver of interest, penalty and fine in all cases, and also immunity from prosecution, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) said in FAQs on the scheme.
On how will an applicant come to know about the final decision taken by the designated committee on his or her declaration, the FAQs said: "Within sixty days of filing of a declaration, you will be informed electronically about the final decision taken in the matter".
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The dispute resolution component of the scheme is aimed at liquidating the legacy cases of central excise and service tax that are subsumed in GST and are pending in litigation at various forums.