New Delhi: The government on Thursday expressed serious concern over "public platforms" like YouTube, Google, WhatsApp and others being abused for revenge porn, fake news and content designed to incite violence and cautioned that while the digital world cannot be caged, players have to be accountable and responsible.
Minister for Law and IT Ravi Shankar Prasad said the issue of fake news is a worry and added that there are "serious parliamentary concerns" about the internet being abused for child pornography. He also asserted that the identification of the originator of messages was still a problem with regard to WhatsApp.
"Revenge porn is creeping in India, girlfriend and boyfriend split up, then what happens, the platform is being abused," the minister said adding that he had even brought the issue of abuse of YouTube to the notice of Sundar Pichai (CEO of Alphabet).
"I told Pichai also when you go to YouTube there are many positive narratives like old songs, speeches, enlightening digital material available, but see some of the other parts, the way YouTube is being abused," he said.
"I am a great supporter of creativity and freedom but there are also social obligations. But the digital world has to be responsible, accountable and most importantly sensitive. For the sake of earning money, is it right to show what we are showing - this question has to be asked," the minister said at an IAMAI event.
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Stating that India is emerging as a large digital powerhouse that will yield golden opportunities, he asked companies not to allow their platforms to be abused.
"You must remember, India is emerging as a big global power and there are forces that want to create hurdles... that is their outlook but you don't allow your platform to be abused for that, that is my appeal," he said.