New Delhi:Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said the lower rate of 15 per cent minimum alternate tax (MAT) announced as part of the corporation tax rate cuts in September will be applicable from the current financial year.
She made the statement in the Lok Sabha to clarify a typo in the Taxation Laws (Amendment Bill), 2019, which said the reduced MAT will come into force from the next financial year beginning April 1, 2020.
The intention, she said, has always been to apply reduced MAT rate from 2019-20.
"The intention again was always to apply a reduced MAT rate of 15 per cent from the year 2019-20. So that correction or the error that has crept in will be now corrected through the official amendment now. So, it applies from 2019-20 the original intent was that. It continues to be so even now," she said.
The Bill, with the amendment, was later approved by a voice vote in the Lok Sabha. The Bill replaces an Ordinance which effected the corporate tax reduction.