Mumbai:The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday announced the constitution of an expert committee led by KV Kamath to make recommendations on a special window for Covid-related stressed assets under the bank's 'Prudential Framework on Resolution of Stressed Assets'.
The panel led by former New Development Bank President Kamath also includes Diwakar Gupta with effect from September 1, 2020, after the completion of his term as Asian Development Bank Vice-President, and TN Manoharan with effect from August 14, 2020, after completion of his term as Canara Bank Chairman.
Ashvin Parekh, Managing Partner at Ashvin Parekh Advisory Services LLP and the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) CEO will be the Strategy Adviser and Member-Secretary respectively, an RBI statement said.
Former Punjab National Bank CEO Sunil Mehta is the current Chief Executive Officer of IBA.
On Thursday, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das had announced that in order to facilitate the revival of economic activities and mitigate the impact on ultimate borrowers, a window will be provided under the 'Prudential Framework' to enable lenders to implement a resolution plan in respect of eligible corporate exposures without a change in ownership, and personal loans, while classifying such exposures as standard, subject to specified conditions.