New Delhi: The income-tax department on Monday said it will undertake expeditious disposal of appeal cases, and look into taxpayer concerns of adjustment of past tax demands with due refunds during the fortnight beginning May 16.
In a letter to field formations, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) said that during May 16-31, all assessing officers would accord top priority to appeal cases and passing of rectification orders and would earmark the first half of the day to meet applicants/counsels who seek to have a hearing to explain their case.
With regard to rectification, the CBDT further said that special attention should be given to demands on account of TDS mismatch, and demands disputed by taxpayers in response to proceedings under section 245 "as these are creating widespread dissatisfaction among taxpayers".
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Under section 245 of the I-T Act, the tax authorities can adjust the refund payable to the taxpayer against the past demand due from them.
"The Board has decided to dedicate the second fortnight of May, 2019, -- May 16-31 -- to expeditious disposal of appeal effect and rectification claims of the taxpayers," the CBDT said.
Nangia Advisors (Andersen Global) Managing Partner Rakesh Nangia said the move by the CBDT is also expected to result in huge amounts of pending refunds to be issued within the next one month.
"Aiming to redress taxpayer grievances, special attention has been accorded to the cases where the tax demand is on account of TDS mismatch and demands are in dispute under section 245. This shall go a long way in addressing the genuine concerns of taxpayers facing undue harassment on account of tax demand, without any fault on their part," Nangia said.