New Delhi: Several opposition States have resented the two-option formula proposed by the finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the GST Council’s meeting on Thursday, which requires them to borrow through a mechanism to be devised by the Reserve Bank to meet the shortfall in their revenue collection this year.
At least two state finance ministers, Kerala’s finance minister Thomas Issac and Punjab’s finance minister Manpreet Badal went public against the Centre’s proposal saying that it was being thrust upon them. However, according to people familiar with the matter, Bihar was a notable exception as the state showed its willingness from the start of meeting to borrow when other states pressed the Centre to borrow to pay the constitutionally guaranteed GST dues to them.
“Bihar agreed to borrow the money to meet the revenue shortfall whereas other States are against it,” a person familiar with the details of initial discussion in the GST Council meeting told ETV Bharat.
In her briefing, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman also admitted that at the start of GST Council’s 41st meeting, which was organised virtually due to Covid-19 lockdown measures, States demanded that the Centre should borrow money to pay the constitutionally guaranteed GST dues.
“That the Centre should borrow were initial remarks made by some of the States, then the presentation happened about what is the actual deficit and so on. And then I gave the two options and both my option hinge on the fact that the borrowing will be by the States,” Nirmala Sitharaman said in the briefing.
Finance minister's statement confirms that there was a demand from the States that the Centre should borrow to pay GST compensation dues as per its constitutional and legal obligation.
Read more:"Act of God": Finance Minister links GST shortfall to Covid pandemic
“We explained to them why it would be preferable for the States to borrow and not the Centre. And also we said if the States are going to borrow, instead of a clamour in the market and crowding of the people, we would facilitate the process through the Central Bank,” she said.