New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday said the government is open to further tweaking the Rs 3 lakh crore credit guarantee scheme for providing collateral-free loans to small businesses.
According to industry association CII, with which the minister had a closed-door meeting, she also said that domestic revenue generation is a concern as sectors like tourism, real estate, hospitality, and airlines have been affected "disproportionately" by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a meeting with the members of CII, Sitharaman said structural reform is a key priority for the government and it will move fast on the Cabinet-cleared disinvestment proposals, including that of banks.
"The (Rs) 3 Lakh Crore scheme is open for professionals now and Government is open to more tweaking, changes if required," CII tweeted Sitharaman as saying.
Earlier this month, the government had widened the scope of the Rs 3-lakh crore credit guarantee scheme by doubling the upper ceiling of loans outstanding to Rs 50 crore and including certain individual loans given to professionals like doctors, lawyers and chartered accountants for business purposes under its ambit, apart from MSMEs.
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