New Delhi:The Centre on Tuesday decided to raise the import limit on tur dal to 4 lakh tonne (LT) on private traders till October and also asked cooperative Nafed to offload 2 lakh tonne of the lentil in the open market on no-profit no-loss basis, a move aimed at checking possible price rise.
A decision in this regard was taken at the inter-ministerial committee meeting chaired by Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan.
Secretaries of Food, Consumer Affairs and Commerce Ministries, as well as senior officials of Nafed and DGFT, also attended the meeting.
"There are only media reports about price rise in tur dal. Otherwise, the government has enough buffer stock of pulses including tur dal. The committee has taken 2-3 key decisions in this regard," Paswan told reporters after the meeting.
After a detailed discussion on the availability of pulses in the country, Paswan said the government has decided to increase the import limit on tur dal for private traders from the existing 2 lakh tonne to 4 lakh tonne till October.
"It means about 4 lakh tonne tur dal will be imported by October 30. Already, the commerce ministry has given permission to import 2 lakh tonne tur dal and licences will be issued in the next few days," he said.
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