New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday asked top executives of public and private sector banks to maintain cash flow at all levels – branches, ATMs, banking correspondents, so that the hardships and pain felt by the common man during the 21-day lockdown to contain the novel coronavirus can be minimised.
“Had a detailed conversation with chiefs of Banks-public & private. Encouraging to know that they are doing their best, even during the lockdown,” finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said following the conference calls with CMDs of state owned banks.
She also dialed top executives of private banks such as HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, Kotak Bank and confirmed that during the meeting banks raised the specific problems faced by them during the lockdown.
“Solutions to these issues are being found through coordination with State Governments and all the problems are being addressed,” said the finance minister after the conference calls in which the secretary of the department of financial services Debasish Panda, two joint secretaries in the DFS - Madnesh Kumar Mishra and Suchindra Mishra were also present.
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Solutions to these issues are being found through coordination with State Governments and all the problems are being addressed.