New Delhi:YouTube on Wednesday said it has added a new 'Super Thanks' that will offer a new monetisation mechanism for creators on the platform. Fans watching YouTube videos can now purchase 'Super Thanks' to express their gratitude and show support, a statement said. "They will see an animated GIF and, as an added bonus, get a distinct, colourful comment to highlight their purchase, which creators can respond to. Super Thanks is currently available at four price points between USD 2 and USD 50 (or local currency equivalent)," it added.
The feature was in beta testing and will now be available to thousands of monetising creators. "The feature is available to creators and viewers in 68 countries on desktop and mobile devices (Android and iOS). Creators can check if they have early access by following the instructions here. If they don't yet have access, fear not -- we will be expanding availability to all eligible creators in the YouTube Partner Program later this year," the statement said.