Business Desk, ETV Bharat: Recently, the Union Cabinet gave its approval for the circulation of the Model Tenancy Act to all States and Union Territories for adaptation. The Model Tenancy Act aims at creating a vibrant, sustainable and inclusive rental housing market in the country by overhauling the legal framework with respect to rental housing.
Since land is a state subject, state governments have the freedom to either adopt it fully or form their own tenancy law based on the central government’s guidelines. Once implemented, the Model Tenancy Act will significantly change the current power dynamics within the renting sector. Know how the law will affect the stakeholders involved:
Compensation for extended stay:At present, there are no strict laws in place against tenants who do not vacate the premises after the termination of the contractual time period of the lease. This results in landlords living in fear of losing control over their property. The model law now gives landlord the right to ask for compensation from the tenant if he/she stays for an extended period breaching the contract.
As per the model law, if a tenant overstays, the landlord shall be entitled to a compensation of double the monthly rent for first two months and four times the monthly rent thereafter.
Requesting eviction:The draft law empowers the landlords to approach the rent court and request the eviction of tenants if they have not paid rent for two consecutive months.
No subletting allowed:The model law says that tenants would not be allowed to sublet whole or any part of the premises without the prior written consent of the landowner. When the consent of the landlord is obtained, the tenant would also have to provide all the details relating to sub-tenancy.