New Delhi: Tourism and hospitality players on Wednesday urged the government to take steps for the revival of the sector hit by the coronavirus pandemic.
A delegation of the Federation of Associations in Indian Tourism & Hospitality (FAITH) and its member associations have proposed multi-step strategies for revival of tourism in a meeting with the Ministry of Tourism, FAITH said in a statement.
"FAITH is hopeful that the demand generation measures and supply protection measures for tourism will be implemented quickly to kick start Indian tourism...," FAITH Consulting CEO Aashish Gupta said.
The industry body also proposed a dual task force strategy, comprising an inter- ministerial task force at the central government level and an inter-state task force for the revival of the sector, the statement said.
FAITH has also proposed holding the 'Indian Tourism Mart' for international tour operators to establish confidence and showcase the incredible Indian tourism products in the first or the fourth week of November, in the meeting, it added.
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