New Delhi: The Railways on Wednesday issued a list of 200 special trains that will run from June 1, putting in operation popular trains such as Durontos, Sampark Krantis, Jan Shatabdis and Poorva Express.
While in a statement issued earlier, the Railways had said that these trains will be fully non-air conditioned, on Wednesday it said that these will have both AC and non-AC classes and fully reserved coaches.
It said the general (GS) coaches shall also have reserved seats for sitting, meaning there will be no unreserved coach in these trains.
Fare shall be as normal, it said. But second seating(2S) fare shall be charged for General (GS) coaches being reserved.
Seats will be provided to all passengers, the Railways said, adding these trains shall run from June 1 and booking will commence at 10 am on May 21.