New Delhi:Rating agency ICRA on Wednesday said profitability and return on assets (RoA) of public sector banks (PSBs) are likely to remain low during the current financial year on the back of continued provisioning on existing and fresh bad loans.
Provisioning on existing and fresh non-performing assets (NPAs) will consume the majority of operating profits, ICRA said in a statement.
"This would result in overall poor profitability and feeble return on equity (RoE) of less than 1 per cent," it said.
Private sector banks will also face another challenging year due to high credit cost and a muted RoE at 9-10 per cent, notwithstanding 15-30 per cent growth in their net profits during the current fiscal, it said.
Though PSBs on an aggregate basis returned to profit for the first time in the first quarter of the current financial year, after 10 consecutive quarters of losses from third quarter of 2016-17, it said.
"This was a result of a reduction in their net NPA levels by March 2019 upon the sizeable provisioning done in 2018-19. As per ICRA's estimates, the losses before taxes for PSBs stood at Rs 1.15 lakh crore during 2018-19 which were somewhat lower than a capital infusion of Rs 1.27 lakh crore by the Government of India (GoI) and LIC in IDBI Bank," it said.
On the other hand, strong net interest income growth and decline in credit provisions drove a strong 30 per cent growth in profit after taxes for private banks during the first quarter of the current financial year.
Regarding asset quality, it said fresh gross slippages for both PSBs (accounting for about 73 per cent of the total slippage) and private banks rose on a sequential basis during the first quarter, driven by increased slippages in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) segment and the seasonal spike witnessed in the agricultural segment.