New Delhi: SpiceJet said that the operating revenue was Rs 514.7 crore for the reported quarter as against Rs 3,002.1 crore in the same quarter last year. For the same comparative period, operating expenses were Rs, 1,303.2 crore as against Rs 2,887.2 crore.
Ajay Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, SpiceJet, said, "This is the worst ever crisis to hit the aviation sector but I am pleased that SpiceJet contain use to innovate and outer perform the industry. Flight operations were suspended for most part of the quarter and the partial resumption of flights initially and the weak demand thereafter was a reminder of the significant problems that this pandemic has resulted in."
"I am confident that as more and more States lift travel restrictions and business activity gets back to normal there will be a significant improvement in the operating environment for airlines and we are witnessing some early encouraging signs towards recovery. I expect our cargo business to continue to expand in the coming quarters. I am also encouraged by the progress made in the re-entry of Boeing's Max aircraft into service," he added.