Hyderabad: Between 1st May, 2020 and 31st August, 2020 a total of 4621 Shramik Special trains were run for the assistance of the stranded persons to help them in reaching their respective home states. The State-wise break up of Shramik train services so operated is as under.
Outgoing trains from states Incoming trains from states Shramik Specials which were operated between 1st May, 2020 to 31st August, 2020 carried 63.19 Lakh passengers to their home states. State-wise details of migrant labours /passengers moved through Shramik Special trains is appended.
Shramik Special trains were requisitioned by State Governments. In normal circumstances, such special trains are booked by State Government/any agency or by an individual on Full Tariff Rates which include normal fare for both directions, service charge, empty haulage charge, detention charge etc.
Indian Railways allowed booking of Shramik Specials on normal fare for one direction only.
Special arrangements like enhanced sanitization, special security, medical arrangement, rake sanitization, free meals, water etc. for Shramik operations, further added to the overall cost of running these trains.
Railways have collected fare for Shramik Special trains from State Governments or their authorized representatives. Railways did not collect any fare directly from the passengers. Fare collected from State Governments or from the representatives of State Governments for running of Shramik Special trains for period 1st May, 2020 to 31st August, 2020 is approximately Rs 433 crore.
Number of migrant labours/ stranded passengers moved through shramik special trains