New Delhi: Markets regulator Sebi on Monday extended till December 24 the deadline for submission of public comments on review of the minimum public offer requirement for large issuers.
In November, Sebi had put up a consultation paper on review of requirement of minimum public offer for large issuers in terms of Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules.
It proposed to reduce the minimum offer size in an initial share sale, whereby companies with a post-issue capital of above Rs 10,000 crore would be required to offer at least 5 per cent stake in IPO.
At present, all companies with a post-issue capital above Rs 4,000 crore are compulsorily required to dilute at least 10 per cent shareholding in the initial public offering (IPO).
It had said there could be a scenario where large issuers may not be compliant with 10 per cent minimum public shareholding (MPS) at the time of listing.
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