New Delhi: More than Rs 5,000 crore worth dues have been declared so far under the government's 'Sabka Vishwas Scheme', which is for settling pending disputes of service tax and central excise.
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has asked its principal chief commissioners to be more proactive in persuading eligible taxpayers to take benefit of 'Sabka Vishwas Scheme'.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had unveiled the Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme, 2019 with the objective of settling pending disputes of Service Tax and Central Excise in the budget.
A mid-term review reveals that a total amount of Rs 5,472 crore inclusive of the pre-deposit amount of Rs 4,225 crore has already been declared under the scheme, sources said.
Efforts are being made to maximise declarations by December 31, 2019 when the scheme ends.
Senior CBIC officials are confident the scheme is likely to gain further momentum in the coming days as taxpayers would not forego this opportunity.
It may be noted that while launching the scheme, it was seen that a total Rs 3.6 lakh crore is locked up in 1.83 lakh cases at various quasi-judicial, appellate and judicial forums under Service Tax and Central Excise put together.
The CBIC has made it clear that the performance of the field formations would be adjudged in terms of their outreach and ability to persuade the taxpayers to avail of the scheme.