New Delhi:The retail price of tomatoes rose to Rs 93 per kg in metros on Monday on sluggish arrival in mandis amid reports of crop damage, owing to unseasonal rains, according to the government data. Among metro cities, tomatoes were sold at Rs 93 per kg in Kolkata, Rs 60 per kg in Chennai, Rs 59 per kg in Delhi and Rs 53 per kg in Chennai on Monday, data showed.
The retail price of tomatoes was ruling at more than Rs 50 per kg in over 50 cities out of 175-odd cities tracked by the consumer affairs ministry. Even in the wholesale markets, tomatoes were sold at Rs 84 per kg in Kolkata, at Rs 52 per kg in Chennai, Rs 30 per kg in Mumbai and Rs 29.50 per kg in Delhi on Monday, the data showed.
Tomato prices are ruling firm due to poor arrival amid the damage of the crop because of the unseasonal rains in key growing states. In Mumbai, tomato arrival was lower at 241 tonnes on October 16 as against 290 tonnes a week ago, while arrival was at 528.9 tonnes in Delhi and 545 tonnes in Kolkata on the same date, according to the government data that did not have a comparable data for three metro cities.
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