Hyderabad: With petrol prices touching Rs 100 per litre in many parts of the country, Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said due to an increase in prices of crude oil in international markets, consumer price (for petrol & diesel) has risen.
The Union Minister, though, said that the prices will soften gradually. Global supply of oil was reduced due to COVID-19, in turn affecting production as well, he added.
Pradhan also said that the GST council is being requested "to include petroleum products under its purview as it will benefit people."
He, however, said that the final call will be taken by the council.
While attacking the opposition on the tax levied on petrol by the States, he said, "Sonia ji must know Rajasthan & Maharashtra have maximum tax. Earnings of Centre and State were negligible during lockdown. We've allocated large chunks to various sectors in Budget to increase jobs."
Petrol and diesel prices have been rising continuously since February 9. During this phase of price rise (In the last 12 days since February 9), the price has gone up by Rs 3.63 per litre for petrol while diesel rate has risen by Rs 3.84 a litre in Delhi.