New Delhi: All-India power demand on Wednesday morning touched a record high of 185.82 gigawatts (GW), said Power Secretary S N Sahai.
"Power demand continues to surge. Yet another record - all India demand : 185.82 GW ie 185, 822 MW at 09:35hrs today ie 20/01/21. It has crossed previous all India demand of 182.89 GW i.e. 182, 888 MW on 30th December, 2020," Sahai said in a tweet.
On December 30, 2020, all-India power demand had touched 182.89 GW.
According to data from the power ministry, the peak power demand met (the highest supply in a day) during January last year stood at 170.97 GW.
The rising power demand shows perk up in economic activities leading to higher commercial and industrial demand which was affected due to the coronavirus pandemic.