New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday launched technology platform'CHAMPIONS'to help micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) facing difficulties, and to handhold them to become national and international champions.
CHAMPIONS, which stands for Creation and Harmonious Application of Modern Processes for Increasing the Output and National Strength, is a portal for making smaller units big by solving their grievances, encouraging, supporting, helping and handholding, an official statement said.
"This ICT (Information and Communications Technology) based system is set up to help the MSMEs in present difficult situation and also to handhold them to become national and international champions," it said.
The portal entails a grievance redressal mechanism to resolve problems of MSMEs, including those of finance, raw materials, labour, regulatory permissions, among others, particularly in the COVID-19 created difficult situation.
Read more:Union Cabinet approves Rs 20,000 crore subordinate debt for stressed MSMEs