Mumbai: Startup Pharmeasy on Friday announced acquiring established diagnostics chain Thyrocare Technologies in a deal worth over Rs 6,300 crore, including buying the controlling stake from its 62-year-old founder A Velumani. Pharmeasy's parent company API Holdings has signed a definitive agreement to buy 66.1 per cent of Thyrocare stocks from Velumani and his affiliates at Rs 1,300 per share at the latter's residence in the hill town of Lonavala in Pune, according to a statement.
While this stake purchase is valued at Rs 4,546 crore, API will acquire an additional 26 per cent in the listed Thyrocare through an open offer at a valuation of Rs 1,788 crore. Acknowledging that it is an "audacious move" wherein his 7-year-old company is acquiring the 25-year-old Thyrocare, API Holdings' Chief Executive Siddharth Shah said the deal will synergise the offerings of Pharmeasy with Thyrocare's services to ensure that 70 per cent of India gets a blood report and medicines in their homes within 24 hours.
Pharmeasy is primarily into medicine deliveries. At present, Thyrocare has a network of 4,000 partner labs while Pharmeasy serves 1.7 crore customers monthly through its network of 6,000 digital consultation clinics and 90,000 partner retailers. "We feel diagnostics is very important, Thyrocare has an outstanding backend, a very low cost structure and we have an unbelievable front end," Shah told PTI from Lonavala after signing the agreement. Pharmeasy will be raising USD 500 million at a valuation of USD 400 crore to fund the acquisition, Shah said, adding that it is already in touch with several institutional investors, including existing backers for the money.
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Pharmeasy had last raised money in April this year, when it sealed a USD 32.3 crore-round at a valuation of USD 150 crore. Shah said the long term plan for the company is to go public but desisted from mentioning the timelines which are being chased. Mentioning about its buyout of Medlife last year and that of Thyrocare acquisition now, Shah said plans are evolving for the company. According to Shah, the plan for now is to ensure that the entire length and breadth of the country is served by Pharmeasy.