New Delhi: Oil marketing companies (OMCs) on Monday continued on the pause mode and decided against revising petrol and diesel prices after cutting its retail rates last week on Tuesday.
Accordingly, pump prices of petrol and diesel remained at previous days level of Rs 90.56 and Rs 80.87 a litre respectively in the national capital. This is the sixth consecutive day when fuel prices have remained unchanged.
Petrol and diesel fell by 22 paise and 23 paise per litre respectively last week on Tuesday in the wake global softening of oil prices. OMCs have decided to pause price revision as they want to watch the crude price movement that has now fallen to around $64 a barrel from remaining above this level in much of the last week.
Across the country as well the petrol and diesel prices remain static on Monday but its retail levels varied depending on the level of local levies in respective states.
In Mumbai petrol continues to be priced at Rs 96.98 a litre and diesel at Rs 87.96 a litre. Premium petrol, however, continues to remain over Rs 100 a litre in the city as is the case with several cities across the country.
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The OMCs went on price cut for the first time this year on two consecutive days - March 24 and 25 after keeping oil prices steady for past 24 days. It again reduced the price on March 30.
Petrol and diesel prices were last revised upwards on February 27 and ever since the retail prices remained unchanged even though during the period crude jumped to over $70 a barrel only to start falling after touching close to $60 a barrel and is now slightly up at $63.5 a barrel. It was cut for the first time this year on March 24 and 25 before revision being put on hold again.