New Delhi: LG Polymers on Friday said there was no fresh gas leak at its Visakhapatnam plant and it has requested authorities to evacuate local residents living in the vicinity of the plant as a precautionary measure.
As many as 11 people died and around 1,000 were affected by styrene gas leak at the plant on Thursday early morning.
"We would like to clarify that the situation at the plant is currently under control and media reports of a second leak are incorrect," LG Polymers said in a statement.
The company also said that all necessary measures were being used to keep the temperatures under control. Styrene gas had leaked from a tank at the plant.
"We have requested authorities for evacuation of residents as a precautionary measure," LG Polymers said.
The company was working closely with the authorities to contain the damage and ensure the safety and health of all local residents and employees, it added.