New Delhi:Jubilant Foodworks that owns the master franchise for Domino's Pizza in India on Tuesday said that although it experienced an information security incident, no financial data like credit card details of its users in the country were leaked on the Dark Web.
On Sunday, Alon Gal who is CTO of cyber security firm Hudson Rock, claimed that credit card details of nearly 10 lakh people who purchased online on Domino's Pizza India is allegedly being sold for over Rs 4 crore on the Dark Web.
A Jubilant FoodWorks spokesperson told IANS that the company experienced an information security incident recently.
"No data pertaining to financial information of any person was accessed and the incident has not resulted in any operational or business impact," the spokesperson added.
"As a policy, we do not store financial details or credit card data of our customers, thus no such information has been compromised".
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According to Gal, the threat actor is looking for around $550,000 (approximately Rs 4 crore) for the database and saying they have plans to build a search portal to enable querying the data.