New Delhi: Referring to the extra-ordinary situation created by the outbreak of Covid-19 global pandemic last year which required the government to announce three rounds of stimulus measures under Atma Nirbhar Bharat campaign, Prime Minister Modi today said the budget for the next year will be seen as a continuation of the measures announced last year.
Addressing the reporters at the start of the budget session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said this decade is extremely critical for the country’s future.
“This is the first session of this decade, this decade is extremely critical for a bright future of India,” Prime Minister Modi told reporters in the Parliament House Complex.
“That is why, this golden opportunity is before the country to expeditiously realise the dreams of India's freedom fighters from the beginning of the decade,” said the Prime Minister.
“This decade should be thoroughly utilised,” he said.
Prime Minister Modi also appealed to all the members, including the members of opposition parties, to thoroughly utilise the opportunity to debate the important issues in the House.
“That is why we should have sound discussions in this session. All the views should be presented to obtain the elixir of the discussion by keeping the entire decade in mind. This is the expectation of the country,” Prime Minister Modi said in his appeal to the opposition parties.
Sixteen opposition parties, including the principal opposition party Congress, have announced the boycott of the Presidential address which is delivered at the start of the first session of every year.
Prime Minister Modi said citizens of the country send their representatives to the House with a lot of hope and expectations.