Mumbai: Television consumption got a major boost last year due to re-telecast of mythological classics like Ramayana and Mahabharata.
In addition, ‘Janata Curfew’ that was announced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in late March as well as his speeches throughout the year helped the viewership numbers to grow, said BARC in a statement.
“Television consumption by Indians increased nine per cent to 999 billion weekly viewing minutes on the back of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020,” rating agency BARC said on Monday.
The average time spent by every viewer increased to 4 hours and 2 minutes a day in 2020 from 3 hours 42 minutes in 2019, the Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) said attributing the rise in viewership to the lockdowns where people were forced to be indoors for an extended period.
The general entertainment channels (GEC), the biggest category of TV viewing, gained nine per cent by viewing minutes, movie watching was up 10 per cent, kids reported a 27 per cent increase, while music (-11 per cent) and sports (-35 per cent) showed a decline.
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News, where BARC's own record came in for a lot of scrutiny with the arrest of its former chief executive Partho Dasgupta leading to a stopping of the rating publishing, saw a 27 per cent increase, it said.
Ramayan – Most watched TV programme in the world
BARC CEO Sunil Lulla said the peak of TV viewing was in March, wherein the launch of older mythological classics like Ramayana and Mahabharata helped break previous records, and added that Ramayan now holds the record of the most-watched TV programme in the world.
In fact, the classic serials broadcasts pulled in a lot of advertisers to Doordarshan and the ad volumes for the state broadcaster's grew 62 per cent in the April-June 2020 quarter compared to the same period in 2019, the data showed.
The 'janata curfew' also fuelled TV viewership, he said adding that there was a 23 per cent spike between mid-March and June, when compared with January to early-March.