New Delhi: Taking a dig at the Congress party over the ABG Shipyard bank fraud case, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the ABG Shipyard account turned NPA during the erstwhile UPA regime and the banks took lesser than normal time to detect the fraud perpetrated by the shipping firm.
"In this particular case with that kind of a measurement, actually, I should give credit to the banks, they've taken lesser than what is normally an average time to detect these kinds of frauds," Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said at a press conference on Monday after addressing the members of the RBI Board.
She also added that normally banks take over 55 months of time to detect such cases and initiate follow-up actions.
Recently, the ABG Shipyard Limited, its former chairman and managing director Rishi Kamlesh Agarwal and others were booked by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for allegedly cheating a consortium of two dozen lenders led by ICICI Bank.