Hyderabad:Life insurance giant Indian Life Insurance Corporation (LIC of India) is coming up with a public issue. The retail segment is going to issue shares exclusively for its policyholders. For them, 10 per cent of shares will be allotted. It is already speculated that they will also be given a 5-10 per cent discount on the share price. In this context, what can be done to make the policyholders, who are still paying a premium for the policies, become shareholders in LIC and acquire shares at a discount?
If you are a LIC policyholder and want to participate in an IPO, you need to attach your permanent account number (PAN) to the LIC policy. However, by adding Aadhaar to the policy, it will be easier to make online transactions. Usually, a PAN card is not mandatory for taking a life insurance policy. But, since LIC is taking this as a standard for allocating shares to its policyholders, it is now required to register a PAN.
First, go to the LIC authorised website https://licindia.in/ website. There is a link called online PAN registration, click on it and read the information carefully and enter the details asked for authorisation through an OTP. Before this, create an online user account based on your policy number on the LIC website. This will make your task even easier.