New Delhi:The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) said, here on Thursday, around 100,000 jobs could be created in the agarbatti (incense stick) industry in the next 8-10 months after the Centre decided to increase import duty on bamboo sticks to 25 per cent from 10 per cent.
It would strengthen the incense stick as well as the bamboo industries, said KVIC Chairman Vinai Kumar Saxena.
The Finance Ministry recently increased import duty on bamboo sticks as part of the initiative taken by MSME Minister Nitin Gadkari aimed to discourage import and help local industry grow.
Import of bamboo sticks from China and Vietnam had caused big employment losses. The rise in import duty will pave the way for new agarbatti manufacturing units to meet the ever growing domestic demand.
The incense sticks' domestic consumption is pegged at 1,490 tonnes a day. But only 760 tonnes a day is produced locally. The huge demand-supply gap led to large-scale import of raw incense sticks.
"The import of raw incense sticks increased from just 2 per cent in 2009 to 80 per cent in 2019," the KVIC said. In value terms, it increased from Rs 31 crore in 2009 to Rs 546 crore in 2019.
The UPA government in 2011 had reduced import duty from 30 per cent to 10 per cent. It hit the domestic Indian incense sticks manufacturers hard, causing closure of nearly 25 per cent units, the KVIC said.