New Delhi: Markets regulator SEBI's prompt action against Karvy Stock Broking Ltd (KSBL) has resulted in nearly 83,000 investors getting back their securities, which were illegally transferred by the broker to its own account and were even pledged without any authorisation.
With the latest transfer by National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL), nearly 90 per cent investors have got back their securities and the remaining ones will get after clearing their dues.
Karvy has taken loans to the tune of Rs 600 crore by pledging securities worth more than Rs 2,300 crore of 95,000 clients with lenders.
Of these, 95,000 clients, nearly 83,000 of them have got back their securities, which were illegally transferred by the KSBL to its own account.
Read more:BSE, NSE suspend Karvy trading license
"As per the directions of SEBI and under supervision of NSE, securities have been transferred from the Demat account .... named Karvy Stock Broking Ltd to the Demat accounts of respective clients who have paid in full against these securities. The number of such clients who have received securities are 82,599," NSDL said in a circular.