New Delhi:Facebook has said it has been working on ensuring safety and security of users and has invested more than USD 13 billion in teams and technology in this area since 2016.
The social media giant noted that its "advanced AI" has helped block 3 billion fake accounts in the first half of this year.
The comments come after reports stated that the US-based company had failed to fix the platform's flaws despite being flagged on numerous occasions.
"We firmly believe that ongoing research and candid conversations about our impact are some of the most effective ways to identify emerging issues and get ahead of them.
"This doesn't mean we find and fix every problem right away. But because of this approach, together with other changes, we have made significant progress across a number of important areas, including privacy, safety and security, to name a few," Facebook said in a blogpost on Tuesday.
Facebook admitted that in the past, it didn't address safety and security challenges "early enough in the product development process".
"Instead, we made improvements reactively in response to a specific abuse. But we have fundamentally changed that approach. Today, we embed teams focusing specifically on safety and security issues directly into product development teams, allowing us to address these issues during our product development process, not after it," it added.
Facebook added that products also have to go through an Integrity Review process, similar to the Privacy Review process, so that it can anticipate potential abuses and build in ways to mitigate them.
"Today, we have 40,000 people working on safety and security, and have invested more than USD 13 billion in teams and technology in this area since 2016. Since 2017, Facebook's security teams have disrupted and removed more than 150 covert influence operations, both foreign and domestic, helping prevent similar abuse," the blog said.