Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Thursday said the HDIL and its promoters Rakesh Wadhawan and Sarang Wadhawan will have to repay their loan to crisis-hit Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative (PMC) Bank as it was in the interest of the lender and its depositors.
The court also said that the assets of HDIL and Wadhawans must be sold at the earliest in the interest of the PMC Bank and its depositors.
A division bench of Justices Ranjit More and S P Tavade was hearing a PIL filed by an advocate, Sarosh Damania, seeking directions for expeditious disposal of HDIL Group assets attached by the EOW and the Enforcement Directorate (ED), and repaying depositors of the PMC Bank at the earliest.
"You (HDIL) have taken a loan and you have to repay it. The assets must be sold at the earliest. This will be in the interest of the bank and its depositors," the court said.
Earlier, following the court's previous directions, Housing Development and Infrastructure Ltd (HDIL) Managing Director Sarang Wadhawan on Wednesday filed an affidavit, listing the group's assets (both encumbered and unencumbered).
Wadhawan also told the court that he has no objection if the company's encumbered properties are sold for recovery of money payable to the bank.
HDIL counsel Vikram Chaudhri on Thursday told the court that the encumbered properties shall be sold first and if there was any shortfall, then the unencumbered assets could be touched.
"The liability to the bank as per the FIR lodged by the police's Economic Offences Wing (EOW) is Rs 4,355 crore.
The encumbered assets are valued at Rs 11,000 crore. It would be more than sufficient," Chaudhri said.