New Delhi: Former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram has alleged that contrary to the claims of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, GST dues of Congress-ruled states Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh are yet to be cleared. "More numbers on GST dues. For Rajasthan, the GST dues upto 31-3-2021 were Rs 4,635 crore. This number was mentioned in CM's letter to FM. In 2021-22, add another Rs 2,507 crore upto May. Total dues, so far, are Rs 7,142 crore
"For Chhattisgarh, GST dues upto 1-6-2021 are Rs 3,069 crore. Yet, the FM claimed that she had cleared GST dues to all states!" the former union minister said in a statement on Wednesday. GST collection for the month of May stood at Rs 1,02,709 crore, as per the Ministry of Finance, its eighth month in a row when GST revenue has stayed above the Rs 1 lakh crore mark.