New Delhi: Food Minister Piyush Goyal on Friday said the government cannot reduce the FRP, the minimum price at which sugar mills buy cane from farmers, and asked the industry to be efficient, profitable and diversify product portfolio with less dependency on the central subsidy.
Addressing the 86th annual general meeting (AGM) of industry body ISMA, Goyal, who is also the railway and commerce minister, said the government's decision to provide Rs 3,500 crore subsidy for exports of 60 lakh tonnes of sugar in the current marketing year 2020-21 (October-September) will help in liquidating surplus sugar stocks.
On the industry's demand that the sugarcane purchase price be linked with sugar price realisation, he said it is not practical to reduce the fair and remunerative price (FRP) and told the industry leaders to produce more ethanol as well as other bye-products to boost their income.
"Let's be practical about it. We cannot reduce the FRP. It's an institutional mechanism going on for several years," he said.
Goyal also expressed concern about some mills being profitable and others in bad shape and asked the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) to undertake a gap study to make mills efficient and competitive.
He said a holistic assessment should be made to find a sustainable solution, which is workable and make industry efficient as well as profitable with "least stress" on the government's subsidy.
On the government's decision to give a subsidy of Rs 3,500 crore to sugar mills for the export of 60 lakh tonnes of the sweetener during the ongoing marketing year 2020-21, the minister said this will "give some comfort to industry in disposing surplus sugar stocks".
He said the sugar output is expected to rise 20 per cent in the current marketing year.
Goyal said the food ministry will also soon clear the subsidy worth Rs 5,361 crore of previous marketing year, to mills pertaining to exports and ethanol programme.
"We have received the funds, within a week we will disburse," he said, adding that this would help industry in clearing cane arrears.