New Delhi: Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on Friday said imported toys will be allowed to enter India only after complying with the mandatory quality norms from September 1 onwards.
The government is in the process of making quality standards mandatory for 371 tariff lines ranging from steel, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and electrical machinery to furniture to check shipments of sub-standard and non-essential goods, including from China.
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the government's nodal agency that frames quality standards in coordination with the concerned ministries.
"The mandatory quality control standard (QCS) for toys will be implemented from September 1 onwards. BIS staff will be deployed at major ports to take the sample and test the product for quality," Paswan told reporters.
Besides toys, the QCS for steel, chemicals, electronic goods and heavy machinery as well as for food items like packaged water and milk products are in the process, he said.