New Delhi:Markets regulator Sebi has confirmed earlier directions passed against former CNBC Awaaz anchor Hemant Ghai, his wife and mother, that barred them from the capital markets for indulging in fraudulent trading practices. In an order passed late on Thursday, Sebi said the findings in the order are "prima facie" and that a detailed investigation in the matter is in progress. In its interim order passed in January, Sebi had noted that Hemant Ghai had advance information about the recommendations to be made on the ''Stock 20-20'' show, co-hosted by him, and he directly or indirectly used it to his advantage.
The show featured recommendations on certain stocks to be bought and sold during the day. His wife Jaya Hemant Ghai and mother Shyam Mohini Ghai had undertaken a large number of buy-today-sell-tomorrow (BTST) trades during January 2019-May 2020, in synchronization with the recommendations made in the show, Sebi observed. They generated the proceeds of Rs 2,95,18,680 by carrying out fraudulent trading in respect of recommended stocks.
The individuals were restrained from buying, selling or dealing in securities, either directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever till further directions.
Besides, Hemant had been directed to cease and desist from undertaking any activity related to giving investment advice or publishing of research reports related to the securities market, till further directions.