New Delhi: Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) on Wednesday said it along with Automotive Skills Development Council (ASDC) has tied up with Google India to bridge the digital skills gap in the country's auto dealerships and build their capacity in this critical growth driver.
ASDC and FADA in partnership Google India aims to prepare over 20,000 auto dealerships to engage with customers in the ongoing and post pandemic era.
Industry experts believe that some customers may not wish to visit a dealership as many times as before prior to making a purchase decision, and hence, there is an urgent need for automotive retail to become virtual, lean, and flexible.
"With the advent of technology and new channels of communication, the classical approach to marketing products and services at the local level has undergone a paradigm change. Gone are the age-old practices of relying on inserts, banners, and small print ads to gain exposure. Today, geo-location targeting, hyperlocal marketing and other sharply defined digital marketing techniques have revolutionized the advertising industry," FADA President Vinkesh Gulati said in a statement.
Similarly, ASDC Chairman Nikunj Sanghi said existing skills will require a lot of redefinition and skilling will play a major role when the sector re-enters the new world.
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